Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quote on Oneness, first Ayurvedic class

The Oneness Experience is a unique and intelligent energy transfer that works by balancing the brain and awakening the energy centers in our bodies. While each person's experience is unique, many report that the experience leaves them in a peaceful state of connectedness and a newly found heightened awareness to life around them. The states of clarity and deep inner peace that many saints and sages speak about occur as a result of balance in the brain. In our modern society, the brain has become unbalanced due to the great stress that is the norm for so many of us. As we receive the Oneness Experience, the brain has a chance to heal and return to its natural way of experiencing the reality around us, allowing us to be fully with whatever is there and no longer resist who and what we are.

The goal of Oneness is to help people transform their lives in a positive way, in turn affecting the lives of others and creating a better world for us all - "to end man's suffering."
I especially like the last part of the quote. During Ayurveda class tonight, we learned that health is happiness. The search for happiness (sukha) and avoidance of unhappiness (dukkha) is natural. I believe true happiness, which you must be healthy to experience-as Ayurveda teaches, comes from making others happy. There is no other way to be happy but to make sure that others are happy, like there is no way to receive but to give.

I feel so blessed, grateful, and thankful to be able to take Ayurvedic classes. I just pray that I find a job here in SF so that I can continue to take classes with my guru dev, Shunya. My deepest desire is to be a transmitter of the divine light, to love others and help end their suffering, even if just a little bit. To be one with the Tao and the universe, life flowing through like a river.

"Get very clear about why you are here", Shunya said, "you are here to be happy. It is your birthright. This is why we are here." Your body's health is reflected in the mind so in order to be happy, she says, first start following Ayurveda, the grantha (scriptures). Happiness is the auspicious, beneficial, expansion of space. Ayurveda creates balance in the body mind and spirit, allows one to return to the natural state. Life is the unity of body, mind, and soul. We also discussed light and darkness, the meditation on light (the flame of a lamp or candle) and how this mirrors the light within you and the divine gods and goddesses. I am still sitting with this information so I will try to write more about light in the next post.

At night say: Bless my body, bless my mind. And in the morning, greet the sun, the light, the spark within you, with pure and radiant joy, blissfully.

One more thought (from a guided meditation I listened to last night) that resonated with me, when focusing on your breath, like a wave, in and out...understand that it is just one wave in a sea of waves. A sea of all of us sentient beings, breathing, in and out, like waves. I liked this especially to describe the oneness of the universe, the collective consciousness, like a sea of waves.

1 comment:

KeralaAyurveda said...

Thank you for sharing this wonderful concept in Ayurveda. I find most of your observations to be true. Keep up the good work!