Monday, January 11, 2010


1/15/2010 is a very powerful early start to 2010.
Mercury ends its retrograde; it’s a new moon and also a Solar Eclipse. [A partial solar eclipse may slightly darken the skies of Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe.]

Take this energy and put it into action. Whatever seeds you have been planting over the last 30 days put them into a starting block on this day. Whatever you have been putting your intention into will allow you to see it come to light if you have sincerely been working toward a higher goal. If you goals have been selfish in nature look for this energy to work in reverse.

In this day in age with Pluto in Capricorn your true intentions will be brought to light. There is no time to cut corners into you compassion and selflessness. The more you serve in Wisdom the more you will be given the answers into your higher self. The truth will be told as Pluto continues to entrench itself into Capricorn. Over the next 14 years many things will come to the surface that ordinarily would have been swept under the carpet.

With this powerful Capricorn energy implanting itself on the 15th (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, North Node and Pluto in Capricorn) you can expect to see some “truths” rise to the surface. Will your truth be for the greater good or will you be exposed as someone who has more work to do? If you are not sure you will have a better idea come 1/16.

via my excellent astrologer,
Brad Williams Astrology

Link to Image, the Andromeda Island Universe

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