Thursday, August 27, 2009

The September clouds are the best

After living here for 2 years now, as an avid cloudspotter I can say that the September clouds are the best in the DC area. :)

Tomorrow night, at the Freer and Sackler Galleries: the Asia after Dark event!

Understanding the consumer side of sustainability

click here for some 2002 mixes

At the Sacred Circle Bookstore in Old Town Alexandria:

Friday, September 18 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Meet 2012 Expert Thia Belden
Thia Belden, M.S. spiritual life coach, teacher and intuitive, has spent 20 years studying spirituality and alternative healing with indigenous, vibrational medicine and new age masters including Drunvalo Melchizedeck. Synthesizing these combined studies, she has developed her own 2012 teaching and coaching practice in vibrational alchemy of ascension into the 5TH dimension. She will be presenting 2 workshops on Sept.20 and 27. FREE

A breathing exercise:
First, find a comfortable seated position, either on the floor or in a chair. Close your eyes and start to tune in to your breath. Notice the breath pace and pattern, temperament, and flow. As you begin to relate to your breath, notice where it gets stuck, then breathe into those areas to encourage a consistent flow of prana.

Once you've established a comfortable breath pace, inhale deeply through your nose to a count of 4. Retain the breath for 4 counts, and then exhale for 8 counts. Hold the breath out for 4 counts. Repeat for 10 cycles.

This breath pattern is called visamavrtti pranayama as the exhalation is twice as long as the inhalation. You can also try samavrtti pranayama, where you hold the inhalation, exhalation, and retention for equal amounts of time.

Give it a go, and see what works for you. Every body is as different as every day, so tune in to what you need and cultivate your sadhana (personal practice) with ease.

1 comment:

anisa said...

Thanks for this = )