Monday, December 7, 2009

Cosmic Consciousness

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From today's reading:
Just treat everything as play. All this coming and going, meeting, eating, welcoming, sending off, taking birth, saying goodnight and goodbye. It's all fun. We should see it in this light and take things easy. It's all a great, divine play and we all have our roles. Don't even say that we are playing our roles. We are all puppets; there is a wire tied to us. That wire is Cosmic Consciousness. We all have that Consciousness. Whatever that Consciousness thinks, we think. But when we fail to understand that, and allow our individual egos to come to the surface, we think that we are doing something. That is what you call basic ignorance. Actually we have no business of our own here at all. Nothing belongs to us. Not even these bodies, not even these minds.

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