Monday, August 25, 2008

Power Shift

I really liked this letter from the editor, Jurriaan Kamp, in the September 2008 issue of Ode Magazine, about the future of energy. Very inspiring compared to most of the other global warming/energy crisis literature I read. :)

This month’s cover story on the future of energy relates closely to the mission of Ode. We’re always looking for the seeds from which positive change sprouts. Finding these seeds isn’t the most challenging part of our mission; there’s no shortage of inspiring human ingenuity. The real challenge is seeing them to fruition, since creativity is so often met with skepticism and a lack of courage—or, more accurately, a lack of intelligent optimism.

In 1997, with Ode in its third year in the Netherlands, we published a cover story on the future of energy. It was a 21-page report about how technological breakthroughs could lead to a clean, renewable energy economy. The power of the sun is what I remember most from that story. In 1996, global energy use was 352,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules, or 352 exajoules, while the energy available to the Earth from the sun each year came with even more zeros attached: an astonishing 2,500,000 exajoules. The only challenge is to harvest its potential.

A decade ago, our story was undeniably futuristic. But this time around, the possibilities we were exploring then are becoming realities. Out beyond the naysayers wringing their hands over the end of oil, a promising future is rapidly unfolding. Positive change is outdistancing the skeptics.

It’s happened before. In Paris during the 1880s, even the most clear-sighted visionaries had a bleak picture of the horizon. If our city continues to grow at this rate, they argued, carriages won’t be able to ride along the avenues, but will be bogged down in mounds of horseshit. That was the experts’ conclusion. Then the automobile was introduced.

Today’s media are full of such dire prophecies. We read about peak oil and the disasters waiting to happen when the last drop of fuel hits the pump. Meanwhile, highly respected minds routinely underestimate the most powerful source of change: human creativity. They forget that the reason we don’t ride in carriages, or use typewriters, isn’t because we ran out of hay and paper, but that people invented better ways to do things.

Do you remember when you bought your first cellphone? I bought mine in 1997, the year of our other energy cover story. And when did you get your first Internet connection? In the past decade, industries like these have transformed society. It’s hard to imagine ourselves without such things now. Society has been decentralized. People work from home or from wherever they are. Nobody saw that coming. All the great technological revolutions happen much more quickly than anyone can predict. Forecasts for the spread of mobile phones and information technology were overtaken by reality. The same will happen in the renewable energy economy now upon us.

In fact, the impact of the energy revolution will be even bigger. Energy power still equals political power. But renewable energy means decentralized energy. We’re headed for a double power shift that will transform not only the relationship between man and nature, but between man and man in the rich North and the poor South. And the reliance on oil will be a thing of the past.

As an inspiring T-shirt says: “40 years of oil left. 5,500,000,000 years of sunshine left.” Don’t worry.

Love your fate

Little ideas and quotes of wisdom: thinkArete

Arete in its basic sense, means goodness, excellence, or virtue of any kind. In its earliest appearance in Greek, this notion of excellence was bound up with the notion of the fulfillment of purpose or function; the act of living up to one's full potential.

This weekend I saw the movies Cosmic Collisions and Black Holes at the Planetarium in the National Air and Space Museum. Both are highly recommended, the visualizations of entering a black hole, based on Einstein's equations, were beautiful. One fact that stuck out in my head was that we are one of 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, which is one of 100 billion galaxies in the universe.

Art Beat with Stephanie Kaye is a daily one-minute update on arts and culture events in the DC region on the DC npr station.

Stardate Online: Daily stargazing tips. "The Milky Way arcs high overhead on August evenings."

Friday, August 22, 2008

Worry about nothing

Taoist quote of the day: Your mind must become one, do not try to understand with your ears but with your heart. Indeed, not with your heart but with your soul. - Chuang Tzu (c.360 BC - c. 275 BC)

What I'm listening to at work today: Dave Bloom mini-mix
Truly "melancholy/pleasant melodies that make you feel like everything's going to be ok." :)

Light behaves as both a particle and a wave, depending on the experiment you subject it to. I've been thinking about this wave-particle duality lately and what it means. I'll write more on this later when I figure some things out...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Witch's Broom Nebula

"On no did I hit crazy stairs?"

National Geographic Photograph

More about the Breath

This is an excerpt taken from Paulo Coelho's Blog. Paulo Coelho is the author of many books, including the Alchemist, one of my favorite books.

Constant growth

Life is development. To achieve this, climb high mountains and descend into the deepest valleys of your soul. Breathe in and feel that you are sucking in everything that exists in heaven and earth. Breathe out and feel that the air leaving your body carries the seed of fertility, and will make humanity more true, better, and more beautiful.

Infinite breathing

All that exists above and below, also exists within you. And everything breathes; when you realize this, you will also understand the Art of Peace. Those who practice it know they are warriors protecting Mother Nature, and with each breath are putting inside themselves the sun and the moon, heaven and earth, the high and low tides, spring and winter, summer and fall.

Man’s entire apprenticeship can be summed up in how one breathes consciously. Each time you do so, you share the powerful energy which sustains Creation.

Conscious attention

Make each day a truly new one, by wearing the blessings of Heaven, bathing in wisdom and love, and placing yourself under Mother Nature’s protection. Learn from the wise men, holy books, but never forget that each mountain, river, plant or tree, also has something to teach you.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Nectar of life

Pathways is a quarterly Mind Body Spirit magazine for the DC Metro area. It has an extensive directory of resources in the holistic world. They are having a Natural Living Expo on October 5, which I attended last year.

The breath is a constant link and reminder to the ebb and flow of life, ceaseless change, yet constant rhythm. Breathing exercises can help reduce stress and bring you to your center. When focusing on your breath be sure to note the pause between inhales and exhales when you are completely still. Here are a few exercises:

Breath of fire: I have just recently learned this technique, and still do not know very much about it or how it is used. It is the most powerful breath and is very beneficial and cleansing. I first learned it in my kundalini yoga class, where we would hold a posture and do the breath of fire for up to 2 minutes. We also practice it with 3 sets of 15 breaths in my dance class, which I think is better for beginners. It is a rhythmic, fast breath, in which you just focus on using your abdomen to force air out through your nose. Your body will automatically inhale. Do this as rapidly as you can but start with 15-20 breaths at a time. Then on your last breath, exhale all the air completely from your lungs. Take a full cleansing breath.

Alternate nostril breathing: Place one hand on your nose, resting your fingers so that they would be able to pinch it shut if needed. Close the right nostril and exhale through the left. Inhale through the left then close the left nostril, open the right, and exhale through the right. Inhale, then close the right nostril and exhale through the left. Repeat this process. A good visualization is to visualize your chakras and sushumna, the luminous channel running through your spine, and then the ida and pingala, the channels which enter through your right and left nostrils and criss-cross through each chakra. Then after a while, open both nostrils and take deep cleansing breaths. It will calm and align your chakras.

Intestinal massage/work out: Breathe into your stomach, filling it, and then on the exhale, pull your stomach in a bit. You can place your hands on your stomach to feel it expand, and then pull in. Focus on the energy in this area. This will massage your intestines and help with digestion. I learned this at Dahn Yoga, and they recommend 1000 per day, most importantly when you wake up and before you eat.

Three part breathing: First take breaths to fill your belly, as you would during meditation and the previous two exercises mentioned. Take slow deep breaths, and try to exhale for longer than it took to inhale, this will help relaxation. Then start to fill your belly first, then the middle abdomen area around your rib cage. Take some breaths filling these 2 regions. Finally, begin to fill your lungs and upper chest as the third part of the breath. Continue three part breathing for as long as you wish. Breathing in this manner will bring 7 times more oxygen into your body. I learned this from my belly dance teacher, and we do it at the beginning of class to prepare our bodies for dancing.

Patterns of the Universe

From Ilchi Lee, the creator of Dahn Yoga:

If you want something
With all your heart,
The universe will make a fuss
So it becomes possible.

To use all your heart,
You must integrate your brain,
So that all the complicated,
Muddled bits of information
Realign in a clear, calm pattern.

But once you are clear,
You must take action.

Then the universe will really
Take you seriously,
And you can take advantage of
All the possibilities it sends your way.

I took Dahn Yoga last fall when I first moved to Alexandria mainly because the studio was only 2 blocks from my office. It is an interesting mix of many systems and philosophies of yoga, tai chi, and "brain respiration", the creator also invented his own martial art.

From an article my dad sent to me, about how yoga can help you in your finances:

In yoga, we learn to concentrate our attention on the present moment. The trick is to do that in life as well, learning to focus on one thing at a time and resisting the mind's tendency to jump and shift.

When you eat a meal, chew your food a little longer and try not to talk. When you walk, pay attention toyour breathing and notice how your senses respond to the people, the sounds and even the smells you encounter. When you talk with someone, listen deeply -- noticing his or her expression and words -- rather than daydreaming about a new lighting fixture you've been eyeing.

In short, no matter what you're doing, give it your full attention, putting aside for a time all thoughts of what's next on your agenda. When your experience is pleasing to the senses and you give it your full, undivided attention, the joy you experience will be multiplied many times over, without having to spend more money. Full attentive presence enhances pleasure in a way money never can.
Question of the day: I saw a t-shirt with this message and it made me think: "Love is just a feeling." What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Water drinks Michael Phelps.

This post is to honor Michael Phelps, the greatest human being alive. He now has a website for Chuck Norris-like facts about himself, here are a few:

Water drinks Michael Phelps.

Newborn dolphins learn to swim by watching footage of Michael Phelps.

Every time you see a shooting star you are really watching Michael Phelps train in space.

If you look into the eye of a hurricane you will see Michael Phelps swimming.

Sure Jesus walked on water, but Michael Phelps swims through land.

Chuck Norris eats bears, Michael Phelps eats bear-eating sharks.

When Michael Phelps was born he swam out of his mother in 4.5 seconds which was a world record. The previous world record was 5 seconds which was also set by Michael Phelps.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

I just saw the Woody Allen movie Vicky Cristina Barcelona. I loved it for many reasons, one because my favorite actors were in it: Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz, and Scarlett Johansson. Also, it took place in Barcelona, so it brought back memories of my study abroad in Spain, the architecture, culture, music. I would recommend this movie. I enjoyed the characters because I felt like they were dealing with some of what I am going through in life--searching for something but not knowing what it is.

I have also been reading Ode magazine, "for intelligent optimists". I really enjoyed the optimistic articles on the issue of global warming. Also the article on Pulse Diagnosis, a part of Chinese Medicine, was very good. The doctor said that if it was up to him, the health care system would include 2 pulse diagnosis appointments per year. It reminded me of my Chinese Medicine teacher in college who said that if it was up to him, everyone at Virginia Tech would take Tai Chi, or some form of internal martial arts, classes a couple times a week. He said that the increase in health would be astonishing, unexplainable.

Quote of the Day:

Ten Spiritual Tonics 1. Stop worrying. Worry kills life. 2. Begin each day with a prayer. It will arm your soul. 3. Control appetite. Over-indulgence clogs body and mind. 4. Accept your limitations . . . 5. Don't envy. It wastes time and energy. 6. Have faith in people. Cynicism sours the disposition. 7. Find a hobby. It will relax your nerves. 8. Read a book a week to stimulate imagination and broaden your views. 9. Spend some time alone for the peace of solitude and silence. 10. Try to want what you have, instead of spending your strength trying to get what you want. -Abraham L. Feinberg

Monday, August 11, 2008

Perseid Meteor Shower Tonight

The Perseid Meteor Shower is tonight! Don't forget to watch, it peaks in the early morning hours.
Here's the link to the NASA site on the Perseids

Lily Allen

I love Lily Allen's new songs... Click here to listen on her myspace page.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Stress-free point of view

So for now I'm going to be working on going back and elaborating on some of my old posts. I know I just threw a lot of links out there when I started because I wanted to get them up, but I want to elaborate on my thoughts on them:)

So please check back over old posts that you enjoyed to read more commentary! I will also try to post more new things too, but I have been busy recently doing research on climate change and water resources for my poster for an environmental engineering conference in September, and also job searching/sending resumes to the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm also the leader of the Green Team at my office so I've been working on compiling a report of all things "Green" that we do here and practices I have helped to implement, and I also want to conduct a carbon footprint analysis of the office.