Sunday, February 10, 2013

Past, Present, and Future

I am working on the launch of my website for my intuitive spiritual advising services. I am currently available for free 15 minute mini-readings or advising sessions by phone, please contact me at if you are interested. More details on my services to come!

Past, Present, and Future
Many of us spend much of our time dreaming of the future, and dwelling in the past.

When you think about the past, you can dwell on certain things, sometimes regrets can start to pop up, or sometimes pleasant memories. The building blocks of the memories for all of those lessons learned, experiences, are held in the cells and neurons of your brain in a sequence of molecules. Those are your memories, and also the formation of your karma. The past is a tool to learn from and will always be interwoven in the fabric of your soul's journey through the fabric of space time.

Each action you take in the present moment is based on your intelligence, memories, preconceived notions formed in your brain from society, and your subconscious from the karma of your past lives and existence.

The future is also woven into our soul's journey, along the threads of space-time. It is what lies ahead. Take each action, make each choice, with this in mind, and realize that in the moment each choice you make will influence your future and build your karma, planting a seed for future decisions. In your mind, increase planting good, pure, prana increasing, and compassionate seeds of thought. By planting these seeds, those thoughts and karma will flourish.

Space-time is not linear, it is a fourth dimension, so every moment is always existing. With this knowledge, you can leave the past there behind you while at the same time carrying it with you, as a part of you. The past is connected, and the future is connected, through the flow in the strings of possibility in the space-time continuum, but NOW, the PRESENT, is where the reality exists. Stay present, in this moment, because it is perfect. It is a perfect moment of soul and body existence, and that is all that matters.

Time is limited. Use it wisely.
